Registered Massage Therapist

Nicole Fichtinger

I was born and raised in Brampton, after attending Fleming College, I started my Massage Therapy career in 2017. As a RMT, I offers a variety of techniques to meet each patient’s specific goals which include a mix of Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Functional Cupping Therapy and Indie Head Massage.

My knowledge and passion for Anatomy and Physiology has helped me reduce pain and injury for my patients. I strive to give the best possible treatment to every client, focusing on the client’s main concerns. I am constantly looking for new ways to help treat and prevent injuries through ongoing research and continuing educational courses.

When not working I’m probably off telling dad jokes or puns, going to the gym or watching movies! Follow me on Instagram (@nicolefichtingerrmt) to learn more about her treatments, at home self-care exercises, and stay up to date on my daily practice!